General Assembly

Artur Costa
Graduated in Forestry Engineering, Accredited Technician in Prescribed Fire and Suppression Fire with two decades of experience working with fire. Trained in fire analysis and municipal civil protection coordination. He currently works as Head of the Multidisciplinary Risk Management and Rural Development Team in the municipality of Seia and teaches prescribed fire subject at the Escola Superior Agrária de Viseu.

First Secretary
Paula Pereira
Graduated in Forestry Engineering at the Escola Superior Agrária de Viseu and Prescribed Fire Technician. Currently works in the Forestry Technical Office of the Viseu Dão Lafões Intermunicipal Community.

Second Secretary
Raúl González
Senior Technician in Management and Organisation of Natural and Landscape Resources. Experience in BRIF - Forest Wildfire Reinforcement Brigades, GEACAM - Forest Wildfire Extinguishment, Castilla la Mancha Firefighting System. Currently a member of the EPRIF - Integrated Forest Wildfire Prevention Teams. Collaborator with the Los Sin Fuego Collective in Mexico, in a total of two decades of experience working with fire.
Board of Directors

Emanuel Oliveira
Agronomist and PhD in Sustainable Land and Territory Management. Prescribed Fire Technician and Trainer with 23 years' experience of using fire. Technician and Researcher at the Forestry Technical Office and Rural Laboratory of the Municipality of Paredes de Coura and Researcher at CEABN-ISA. Collaborator in the Research Groups ‘Forest Fires and Nature Conservation’ at the Federal University of Viçosa and ‘Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing Laboratory - LAGES’ at the Federal University of Maranhão.

Eduardo Afonso
Degree in Forest Resources Engineering and a Master's in Forest Systems Technology and Sustainability, trained in Municipal Civil Protection Coordination by the National Firefighters School. Prescribed Fire Technician, Beekeeper, Trainer and Forestry Designer. He is currently the Municipal Civil Protection and Forestry Coordinator for the municipality of Valença.

Silvana Pais
Postgraduate in Rural Fire Management, Master's in Ecology and Environment and Degree in Environmental Sciences and Technologies. Currently a researcher and PhD student at the Foundation for Science and Technology - CIBIO-InBIO. Volunteer firefighter in Ponte de Lima, Prescribed Fire Technician and Burning Operational.
Henrique Mira Godinho
Graduated in Landscape Architecture and Prescribed Fire Technician. He has experience in reforestation, ecological restoration and topography. He currently works as a technician for AguiarFloresta - Associação Ambiental e Florestal de Vila Pouca de Aguiar, managing projects to support pastoralism, extensive livestock farming and technical fire. He is the manager of the LIFE Maronesa project.

First Voter
Diego de Luis
Forestry foreman and Senior Natural Resources Technician at CFEA - Centre for Agricultural Training and Experimentation in Lourizán, Pontevedra. Expertise in forestry treatments, reforestation, forest inventory and topography. Forest Firefighter, Team Leader at the Xunta de Galicia's Forest Fire Prevention and Defence Service (SPIF) for 25 years.
Fiscal Council

Chair of the Fiscal Council
Carlos Miguel Alves
Graduate in Agricultural Engineering from the Department of Agrarian Sciences at the University of the Azores, post-graduate in Civil Protection - Planning and Intervention and in Forest Fires. He is currently the Municipal Civil Protection Coordinator for the Municipality of Vila Nova de Cerveira. Beekeeper and Prescribed Fire Technician.
First Voter
Carlos Araújo
Forest Ranger with a course in Prescribed Fire Technician. Volunteer Firefighter of 1st rank in Paredes de Coura. 16 years' experience working with prescribed fire and fighting rural fires. Beekeeper and extensive livestock breeder of the indigenous Cachena and Barrosã cattle breeds, being the breeder with the largest herd in the region of these two breeds.

Second Voter
Fatima Fernández
Technician in Forestry Engineering from the University of Vigo and Senior Technician in Management and Organisation of Natural and Landscape Resources. She worked for 15 years at the Xunta de Galicia's Forest Fire Prevention and Defence Service (SPDCI) in various roles. Currently works as an Environmental Agent for the Xunta de Galicia.
Disciplinary Board

Chair of the Board
Manuel Rainha
Graduated in Project and Rural Management and with a bachelor's degree in Forest Resource Management, with training and experience in fire analysis with certifications in the use of fire (prescribed fire and suppression fire). Technical trainer of forestry fire brigades in prescribed burning. He currently works as a forestry manager at Sonae Arauco.

First Voter
Ana Tortosa
Forest Engineer, Senior Technician in Forest Management and Master in Fire. Since 2007 she has worked in different forest firefighting units specialising in training, as an instructor for various courses, especially firefighting and prevention, pyro-ecology and prescribed fire. Since 2017 she has worked as a training technician and participated in TREX in different countries, as well as collaborating with different associations to promote the integration and use of fire as a land management tool.

Second Voter
José Luis Duce
Forest firefighter and Prescribed Fire Technician in Spain, where he was awarded the ‘Bate-fuegos de Oro’. He is currently developing his skills in the United States, with The Nature Conservancy and The Watershed Research and Training Center (WRTC) as a Prescribed Fire Training Specialist, through the RFFC (Regional Forestry and Fire Capacity Building) programme in the state of California, and as part of the Fire Management Programme. He is a member of the TREX Coaches Network and coordinates several international TREXs, as well as working extensively with communities from Indonesia to several Latin American countries.